Review Policy

*Due to my current time availability, I am not accepting independent review requests at this time.*

Hey everyone, I am so excited and honored that you are considering me to review your book! 

I am currently OPEN to accepting books for review, however; I will strictly adhere to my review policy as I have a lot of books on my list already. So please take the time to red through my policy before sending me any requests.

Things I do NOT accept:

Self published novels, short stories or novellas. I recognize that some of these may be excellent and I am sure I would enjoy them in my free time but I just don’t have the time to accept them for my blog.

I will also not accept any children’s books (generally the ones for ages 12 and under), or Non-fiction of any kind.

Genres I DO accept:





-Historical Fiction                                                                                                                                       

Adult (on a case by case basis ONLY)                                                                                              



Forms I accept:

At the moment I only accept physical copies (either ARC or hardcopy), in the future I hope to accept e-books as well, but as of now that is not possible. 

After I have accepted your book

I cannot guarantee an immediate review, I am not a full time blogger, so I try my best to fit book reviews into my existing schedule. However, if I have accepted your book I will try and get the review out as soon as I can. I do reserve the right to NOT post a review if I do not feel comfortable doing so. For ARCs I will try my best to get the review done for the release date.

I also post my reviews on goodreads, though that often comes later than my blog post. In my reviews I include the cover art, a short summery of the book, my personal thoughts and a rating out of 5. Please be aware that my reviews will not always be positive, and if I really did not enjoy a book I will say so, and explain why. I will not write a positive review just because I received a free copy of the book. I will always try and be honest and I will never write anything nasty about the author directly, and in return I expect authors to respect my opinion and not write anything nasty about me or my blog.


If you have any additional questions please email me  


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